A gorgeous collection of New and improved Baba & Boo Nappies. We didn’t think they could get any better…. they have!
Baba & Boo nappies are called pocket nappies. Their One size nappy fits from 10lb upto 36lb. So basically from a few weeks after birth (depending on the size of your baby) upto around 3-4 years of age.
These nappies come with 2 bamboo & microfibre mix inserts. To use you secure the rise with the poppers, pop the insert/s in the pocket and away you go!
We recommend for full time use you will need 20+ Nappies, or for part-time any amount that you feel comfortable with or can afford. Cloth nappies are a bigger outlay at the start, however offer great savings in the long run (you can also use for more than one child) buying disposable nappies and of course no chemicals, no waste and so much better for the environment that disposables that end up in landfill. Did you know a disposable nappy takes around 500 years to decompose.
For any advice or to hear about our bundle deals of nappies please drop us an email or call our shop on 01328 712201.