The formidable pirate Hipster Spider has been sailing the high seas, spinning webs to protect his territory. Armed with his sword, he always finds a way to convince his opponent to hand over their treasure. Inspired by the Art Toys trend, our Arty Toys figurines have been devised by artists from all walks of life, with each illustrator and designer bringing their own original touch to each character. Action figures that you can display, collect or make the centre of fantastic tales and adventures!
Djeco Arty toys are inspired by the artistic artoys trend, created by contemporary designers and illustrators. There are several themed collections of Djeco Arty Toys; pirates, knights and princesses each figure has movable joints and little accessories. Limited Edition Characters are also created each season. Each figure Stands at around 8cm tall. To match the quirkiness of the figures Dieco have made a beautiful princess castle and Knights Castle with dungeon.
Toys are suitable for age 4yrs+