The noisiest of all whales, the fabulous humpback whale loves a good singsong. They are also impressively large and can grow up to 50 feet long (which is as long as 5 cars put together!). They are also super strong swimmers and can travel 3,100 miles every season without resting. This cute t-shirt celebrates this amazing, awe-inspiring ocean friend - or as we say, wonder whale, who's using his strength to carry a lighthouse!
• Navy blue
• Round neck
• Short sleeved
• Popper shoulder opening
• Appliqué whale and lighthouse design
• Coordinating items available
• 100% organic cotton
• Certified by Control Union to the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)
• Made in Turkey
• Machine washable at 40 degrees, or at 30 degrees to be kinder to the planet.
• Style number TB0514