This story follows teenager Greg Heffley, who writes about his daily life in middle school in a secret journal filled with his feelings from happiness, sadness and friendship.
Product informations |
Article number |
10000317 |
4251192113665 |
Product category |
Audiobook |
Recommended retail price |
14,99 £ |
Age recommendation |
7+ |
Running time
approx. 139 minutes
Accessories |
Booklet, instructions |
Note |
WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Choking hazard. Small parts. Toniebox required for use. Wi-Fi connection required for initial setup. |
Series |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid |
Title |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid |
Author |
Jeff Kinney |
Cast |
Dan Russell |
Beschreibung |
Short description |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
This story follows teenager Greg Heffley, who writes about his daily life in middle school in a secret journal filled with his feelings from happiness, sadness and friendship.
Extented description |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
This story follows teenager Greg Heffley, who writes about his daily life in middle school in a secret journal filled with his feelings from happiness, sadness and friendship.
Listen, play, collect. Our Tonies are up for everything! Handcrafted for hands-on play. Every Tonie is hand-painted, yet tough enough to be part of the fun not just on, but also off the box. |