One for the real history buffs, who want history with all the horrors left in.
Walk in the footsteps of the Terrible Tudors with this terrifically terrifying Tonie – if you’re brave enough! Discover all the facts they don’t teach you at school, from the horrifying Henries to Tudor torture and more.
List of titles:
01 - Deary Me
02 - Heaven for Henry Seven
03 - Henry Eight and Ate
04 - Advertising Break
05 - Horrible Henry
06 - Terrible Teacher Testing
07 - Awful for Anne & Hair for Mary
08 - Ships and Things
09 - Crime Time
10 - Murder for Marlowe
11 - The End of The Tudors
Age Recommendation: age 6+
Duration: 55 minutes.
Note: WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Choking hazard. Small parts. Toniebox required for use. Wi-Fi connection required for initial setup.
- Note: WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Choking hazard. Small parts. To get started, all you need is internet access, a Toniebox with a Wi-Fi connection and a Toniecloud account. Tonie-App available for iOS from version 9 and Android from version 4.4 (KitKat).